Zlatý nosorožec

Zlatý nosorožec

Fauvelle-Aymar, François-Xavier

Linking the Middle Ages and Sub-Saharan Africa sounds unusual to Czech readers as there have not been many books presenting the riches of...

Příběhy o africkém středověku

published: april 2021
recommended price: 310 czk


Univerzita a republika

Univerzita a republika

Suchánek, Drahomír (ed.)

This collection of essays includes contributions delivered during the conference The University and the Republic, 1918–2018, organized by...

Vybrané příspěvky z konference

published: april 2021
recommended price: 190 czk


A Nation of Bookworms?

A Nation of Bookworms?

Trávníček, Jiří

Nation of Bookworms? takes an in-depth look at the reading culture of the Czech Republic-the country with the highest number of libraries...

The Czechs as Readers: Reading in Times of Civilizational Fatigue

published: april 2021
recommended price: 350 czk


Na okraji kánonu

Na okraji kánonu

Moldanová, Dobrava

These twenty-one studies on and reflections of modern Czech literature, written between 1984 and the present day and published in journal...

Literárněhistorické úvahy a studie

published: april 2021
recommended price: 320 czk


Majstr a Małgorzata

Majstr a Małgorzata

Klípa, Ondřej

This study addresses one of partial political and economic phenomena of the postwar period – labor migration in a socialist society. It f...

Polky v továrnách ČSSR

published: april 2021
recommended price: 250 czk


Postdigitální fotografie

Postdigitální fotografie

Láb, Filip

Photographs taken using the current generation of mobile phones and digital cameras are created in a way that is radically different from...

published: april 2021
recommended price: 320 czk
