Mistr Třeboňského oltáře

Mistr Třeboňského oltáře

Royt, Jan

The Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece was one of the most important Gothic artists of the international style art in the European context. ...

published: december 2013
recommended price: 595 czk


Biomedicínská statistika IV.

Biomedicínská statistika IV.

Zvára, Karel

This textbook on the basics of statistics in the R software package is intended primarily for students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences...

Základy statistiky v prostředí R

published: december 2013
recommended price: 160 czk


Saturnin - rusky

Saturnin - rusky

Jirotka, Zdeněk

On its initial publication in Czech in 1942, Saturnin was a best-seller. This is entirely appropriate, for while Saturnin draws on a trad...

published: december 2013
recommended price: 440 czk




Malý, Petr

This textbook is based on a lecture on optics for physics students at the Mathematical-Physical Faculty at Charles University in Prague. ...

published: december 2013
recommended price: 355 czk


„Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho!“

„Jeden za všechny, všichni za jednoho!“

Balcarová, Jitka

The nationalist "defensive" clubs played a significant role in the Czech Lands’ German society in the 19th and 20th centuries. Being an i...

Bund der Deutschen a jeho předchůdci v procesu utváření „sudetoněmecké identity“

published: november 2013
recommended price: 250 czk
