We Were a Handful

We Were a Handful

Poláček, Karel

A famous Czech humoristic novel depicting adventures of five boys from a small Czech town in the form of a child's diary written by Petr ...

published: december 2007
recommended price: 490 czk




Neumann, Lukáš

This book aims to analyze the artistic use of sound instrumentation in Vladimír Holan’s poetry during the period delimited by his collect...

Hlásková instrumentace v poezii Vladimíra Holana

published: december 2021
recommended price: 400 czk


Znaky a přízraky

Znaky a přízraky

Galmiche, Xavier

This thematically organized selection from the works of Xavier Galmiche (*1963), a French specialist in Czech studies, presents 40 studie...

Výbor ze statí o české a středoevropské literatuře

published: december 2023
recommended price: 550 czk
