From 2021, the journal is not published. The last published issue of the journal is issue 2/2020.

Psychologie pro praxi (Psychology for Practice) is academic journal focused on practical applications of psychological research and theory, particularly in psychology of work and organization, social psychology, and psychology of education.

PSYCHOLOGIE PRO PRAXI, Vol 54 No 2 (2019), 9–23

Spravedlnost pohledem forenzní psychologie a možnosti jejího měření v českém prostředí

[Justice from the point of view of forensic psychology and the possibilities of its measurement in the Czech environment]

Jan Jaroš, Eva Höschlová

published online: 23. 03. 2021


This paper is based on the one of the author’s diploma thesis defended at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in 2019. The main objective is to present forensic psychology research, especially the research focused on the perception of justice in legally regulated decision-making procedures. Due to the absence of domestic sources, the main attention is focused on foreign research. Finally, it is the ambition of the presented paper to contribute to the professional discussion on the relevant topic within the Czech psychological community. The empirical part presents the newly developed Questionnaire of Perceived Justice in Mediation (DVSM), it’s creating stages and limitations. Also, another research activity of the authors is presented, in which the limitation of DVSM are addressed.

keywords: forensic psychology; justice; procedural justice; legal psychology

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Spravedlnost pohledem forenzní psychologie a možnosti jejího měření v českém prostředí is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

157 x 230 mm
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ISSN: 1803-8670
E-ISSN: 2336-6486
