From 2021, the journal is not published. The last published issue of the journal is issue 2/2020.
Psychologie pro praxi (Psychology for Practice) is academic
PSYCHOLOGIE PRO PRAXI, Vol 54 No 1 (2019), 19–29
Osobnostní typologie studentů v kontextu budoucí pracovní role všeobecné sestry
[Personality typology of students in the context of the future work role of a nurse]
Marie Zítková, Miroslava Kyasová
published online: 18. 03. 2020
The fulfillment of the role of a nurse is highly demanding on the personality of this professional and the quality of professional training. The aim of the research was to specify students’ personal prerequisites for fulfilling the role of general nurse. The researched group consisted of students of General Nurse program in the period 2013–2018. The test tools included the MBTI® (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) test and Belbin’s team role test. The basic findings showed that in the group of 53% of respondents the so-called temperament of the Guardian was identified (SJ), which is suitable for the work of general nurses. The second large group consisted of Idealists, for whom the temperament of Diplomat – NF – 35.8% is common, whose characteristics also strongly correspond to the requirements of nursing practice. The Implementer and Team Worker represented the team role with the highest affinity in 54% of respondents. It is thus possible to assume that the chosen work will be satisfactory for those individuals and there is a presumption to be successful in their future work.
keywords: personality typology; general nurse; education; team role; work psychology
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Osobnostní typologie studentů v kontextu budoucí pracovní role všeobecné sestry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 80 czk
ISSN: 1803-8670
E-ISSN: 2336-6486