Psychologie pro praxi (Psychology for Practice) is academic journal focused on practical applications of psychological research and theory, particularly in psychology of work and organization, social psychology, and psychology of education.

PSYCHOLOGIE PRO PRAXI, Vol 50 No 3 (2015), 9–24

Soudobá témata psychologie intimity

[Current Issues of Psychology of Intimacy]

Daniela Haubertová

published online: 21. 12. 2015


Intimacy as one of the basic features of interpersonal close relationships is the main issue of the review. The review focuses on findings which have occurred in literature in relation to intimacy in the last few years and interconnects such knowledge with results from classical well-known studies. The text introduces the topic of intimacy from its definition to the very latest issues with an emphasis on psycho-social context. Three specific areas are chosen for further inquiry. The areas very often arise from contemporary foreign studies which focus on intimacy. They are: intimacy in the context of sexuality, fear of intimacy, and a phenomenon of public intimacy. The outcomes of studies are presented within a broader context and compared with how the issue was viewed in the earlier stages of the research. The review offers inspiration for future research in the field of close interpersonal relationships and intimacy.

keywords: intimacy; closeness; close relationships; sex; fear of intimacy; self-disclosure

Creative Commons License
Soudobá témata psychologie intimity is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 80 czk
ISSN: 1803-8670
E-ISSN: 2336-6486
