Prague Medical Report is an English quarterly published multidisciplinary biomedical journal. Prague Medical Report was founded as Sborník lékařský in May 1885. The journal presents public primary scientific publications, short communications, casuistry, and reviews. It contains articles based on important specialised lectures and symposia.

PRAGUE MEDICAL REPORT, Vol 116 No 4 (2015)

Pancreatic Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment – Current State
Zdeněk Krška, Jan Šváb, David Hoskovec, Jan Ulrych

Changes in the Concentrations of Corticoid Metabolites – The Effect of Stress, Diet and Analytical Method
Michaela Dušková, Lucie Sosvorová, Jana Vítků, Hana Jandíková, Beáta Rácz, Tereza Chlupáčová, José De Corderio, Luboslav Stárka

The Cortisol to Cortisone Ratio during Cardiac Catheterisation in Sows
Hana Skarlandtová, Marie Bičíková, Petr Neužil, Mikuláš Mlček, Vladimír Hrachovina, Tomáš Svoboda, Eva Medová, Jaroslav Kudlička, Alena Dohnalová, Štěpán Havránek, Hana Kazihnítková, Ludmila Máčová, Eva Vařejková, Otomar Kittnar

How Does Energy Intake Influence the Levels of Certain Steroids?
Beáta Rácz, Michaela Dušková, Hana Jandíková, Martin Hill, Karel Vondra, Luboslav Stárka

Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumour with Extraosseal Spread: Evaluation of the Effect Carnoy’s Solution
Jitka Levorová, Vladimír Machoň, Pavel Grill, Dušan Hirjak, René Foltán

Snake Envenomation to the Face of a Child – Rare Case
Mustafa Şahan, Mehmet Duru, Koca Çalişkan, Ali Karakuş, Oğuzhan Özcan, Ahmet Kahraman, Güven Kuvandik

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 450 czk
ISSN: 1214-6994
E-ISSN: 2336-2936
