Praehistorica is an academic journal specializing in the archaeology of Central Europe. The journal has been published since 1938. It focuses on topics covering the period from prehistory to early modern history.

PRAEHISTORICA, Vol 32 No 2 (2014), 277–284

K počiatkom metalurgie železa na Spiši

[About the beginnings of iron metallurgy in the Spiš region]

Peter Roth

published online: 14. 09. 2015


The former Spiš county was located in present-day north-eastern Slovakia, in the area around the upper reaches of the Poprad and Hornád rivers. The county was famous for iron mining and processing during several historical periods – the Púchov culture era (between the 2nd century BC and the 1st century AD) being one of the oldest of them. Of course, beginnings of iron metallurgy in this area have been traced back to the Halstatt and early-to-middle La Tene cultures – the so-called pre-Púchov stage. Despite the fact, that first materials mentioning settlement in this region during those times date to the end of the 19th and first half of the 20th century, knowledge about those activities is rather scarce and today’s research concerning those activities has to be based on fragmentary and in many cases hardly, if ever, verifiable data. Basically only one site has seen a serious research focused on settlement and iron metallurgy. However, even this scanty data makes it possible to determine the characteristics of the settlement and the beginnings of iron metallurgy, but it is not possible to ascertain the methods of iron mining in the Spiš county – the methods that were later further developed during the aforementioned Púchov culture, the early Roman era, and then the Medieval and Modern periods, when the Spiš and Gemer counties were considered the “iron counties” of the Kingdom of Hungary. Bývalá Spišská župa dnes predstavuje územie na severovýchode Slovenska rozkladajúce sa na hornom toku riek Poprad a Hornád. V rôznych historických dobách sa preslávila ťažbou a spracovávaním železa. K najstaršiemu významnejšiemu obdobiu môžeme zaradiť už obdobie púchovskej kultúry z prelomu letopočtov. Samozrejme, že počiatky metalurgie železa sú zistené už v dobe halštatskej a staršej a strednej dobe laténskej, tzv. predpúchovský stupeň. Napriek skutočnosti, že prvé zmienky o osídlení v tomto období pochádzajú z konca 19. a prvej polovici 20. storočia, sú poznatky o tejto činnosti pomerne skromné a dnešné sledovanie metalurgie sa v mnohých prípadoch musí opierať o zlomkovité a častokrát i problematické, či vôbec neoveriteľné údaje. Serióznym výskumom z hľadiska osídlenia a metalurgie železa bola skúmaná prakticky jedna lokalita. Napriek tomu sa z týchto kusých správ pokúsime určiť charakter osídlenia a počiatky metalurgie železa, ale bez možnosti určenia spôsobu jeho ťažby v Spišskej župe, ktoré sa neskôr rozvíjali v už spomínanom období púchovskej kultúry, v mladšej dobe rímskej či stredoveku a novoveku, kedy bola spolu s Gemerskou župou považovaná za „železné“ stolice Uhorska.

keywords: Northern Slovakia; Spiš; settlement; Hallstatt period; Early and Middle La Tene period; metallurgy Slovensko severné; Spiš; osídlenie; doba halštatská; časná a stredná doba laténska; metalurgia

Published by the Karolinum Press. For permission to use please write to

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0231-5432
E-ISSN: 2570-7213
