Praehistorica is an academic journal specializing in the archaeology of Central Europe. The journal has been published since 1938. It focuses on topics covering the period from prehistory to early modern history.

PRAEHISTORICA, Vol 31 No 2 (2013), 419–436

Das Lebensmilieu des hoch- und spätmittelalterlichen Dorfes als archäologisches Forschungsproblem

[The Standard of Living of the High and Late Medieval Villages as an Archaeological Research Problem]

Jan Kypta

published online: 06. 03. 2018


The standard of living of farmers at the end of the Middle Ages and beginning of the Modern Period is relatively well proved by the written sources and especially then the rich iconographic sources. On the other hand, for the period before the middle of the 15th century, we mainly have to rely on the testimony of the archaeological sources; these provide direct but frequently deformed evidence. The study submitted strives for a balance of the evidence on the culture of housing, dining and dressing. The finds of tableware (aquamanile, earthenware), tiles, weapons and equine tack are discussed.

keywords: Central Europe; Middle Ages; early modern period; everyday life; rural milieu Mitteleuropa; Mittelalter; Frühneuzeit; Alltagsleben; ländliche Millieu

Published by the Karolinum Press. For permission to use please write to

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0231-5432
E-ISSN: 2570-7213
