Praehistorica is an academic journal specializing in the archaeology of Central Europe. The journal has been published since 1938. It focuses on topics covering the period from prehistory to early modern history.
PRAEHISTORICA, Vol 31 No 2 (2013), 357–372
Super altare in ecclesia tua. Die Anfänge der Pfarrorganisation in den böhmischen Ländern aus archäologischer Sicht
[Super altare in ecclesia tua. The Beginnings of Parish Organisation in the Czech Lands from an Archaeological Perspective]
Ivo Štefan, Ladislav Varadzin
published online: 06. 03. 2018
The authors deal with the issues of the beginnings of the parish system in the Czech lands, which formed the prerequisites for a deeper Christianisation of the rural milieu. Based on the distinctive transformations in burials observable in a large part of Bohemia and Moravia, they place the beginnings in the period around 1100 A. D. The evidence of the archaeological sources is confronted with the testimony of the written evidence and critically also with the conception of art historians, who do not suppose a boom of sacral architecture in the rural milieu until the second half of the 12th century and later. The shift of the beginnings of parish organisation further into the past opens a number of historical and methodological questions.
keywords: Bohemia; Middle Ages; parish organisation; burials; churchyards; church buildings Böhmen; Mittelalter; Pfarrorganization; Bestattungen; Friedhöfe; Kirchenbauten
Published by the Karolinum Press. For permission to use please write to
210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0231-5432
E-ISSN: 2570-7213