Interdisciplinary journal focusing primarily on sociological, political science and historical perspectives on the issue of long-term social processes and trends, modernization, globalization tendency and impacts.
The journal creates a broader platform for researches in the historical social sciences. Epistemological field is not strictly bounded, it is also meant to overlap with civilizationalism, cultural sociology and other related fields.
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Published by Charles University in Prague, Karolinum Press, cooperated with Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague.
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HISTORICKÁ SOCIOLOGIE, Vol 13 No 1 (2021), 119–135
Společenské faktory utvářející rámec pro uchopení role babičky. Reflexe babiček z Pardubic a okolí
[Social Factors Forming the Basic Framework for Prehension of the Role of a Grandmother. Reflections of Grandmothers from Pardubice and Surroundings]
Tereza Čepilová
published online: 17. 05. 2021
The aim of this article is to describe the social aspects that affect performing the role of grandmother. The historical-sociological approach was chosen to research this topic. It uses knowledge of previous situations and processes to an in-depth understanding of the contemporary situation. Interviews realized with eight grandmothers of children aged 6–8 were analyzed. The article presents the grandmothers’ reflection of the social framework for performing the grandmother’s role. In grandmothers’ opinions, this framework has a significant impact on the possibilities of performing a grandmother’s role. Using the historical-sociological approach also allowed us to identify changes in the framework during the last decades. These changes are explained on examples of the last three generations of grandmothers in the text.
keywords: grandmothers; grandparents; family role; historical-sociological approach
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Společenské faktory utvářející rámec pro uchopení role babičky. Reflexe babiček z Pardubic a okolí is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 120 czk
ISSN: 1804-0616
E-ISSN: 2336-3525