Communio viatorum is a theological journal from Central European perspectives founded in 1958 by J. L. Hromádka and J. B. Souček, published by the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University in Prague three times a year.
Communio Viatorum seeks to promote research and scholarly debate in all theological disciplines. Since its foundation special attention has been paid to both biblical studies and Czech Protestant history. The journal is also interested in articles that reflect new accents within the field of theology as well as relevant challenges from neighbouring disciplines, developments in the Church worldwide as well as new moves within society. It seeks to promote an ongoing process of theological debate from a specific Central European Protestant background, but open to authors from all around the world and all denominations who wish to engage in such a conversation.
As of 2024, the journal Communio Viatorum has transitioned to an open-access publication, issued by Charles University Karolinum Press.
Articles published here are indexed in the ATLA Religion Database® and are included in the full-text ATLASerials® (ATLAS®) collection. They are also indexed and abstracted in the Web of Science – Arts and Humanities Citation Index® of Clarivate Analytics, in Scopus, in CEEOL, and in ERIH PLUS.
The previous journal homapage with an archive of published issues
COMMUNIO VIATORUM, Vol 66 No 1 (2024)
Anthropology of Hope (Editorial)
Tim Noble
Meaning and Hope in the Work of Viktor Frankl
Lenka Fílová
The Restoration of Hope and Dignity in the Context of the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church
Peter De Mey
Hope and Imagination: Theological Aspirations for Overcoming Violence
Sara Gehlin
Paradoxical Hope: Fr. Aleksander Schmemann’s Sermons on Radio Liberty
Milutin Janjić
Creation as Sacrament: An Orthodox Contribution to the Cultivation of an Ecological Ethos
Viorel Coman
Liberation against Entitlement: Conflicting Theologies of Grace and Clashing Populisms by Tim Noble
Petr Jandejsek
210 x 148 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 500 czk
ISSN: 0010-3713
E-ISSN: 3029-6374