AUC Theologica is a peer-reviewed journal for theology published twice a year. As we publish original papers in English, German, French, and Italian, our mission is to serve as a platform both for Czech researchers, who can present their research results in these languages, and for international contributors, who are invited to enter the academic theological discussion in the heart of Europe.

The journal focuses on a wide range of theological disciplines, such as systematic theology, biblical studies, patristic studies, pastoral and spiritual theology, religious education, church history, etc. Within these fields, the journal seeks to reflect the current theological questions and problems, which often requires interdisciplinary approaches. Supporting the intersection of various theological disciplines, we thus also welcome theological papers touching other academic fields including philosophy, sociology, literary studies, and science.

Each issue consists of two sections. The thematic section presents papers of the same focus. The section called ‘Varia’ invites papers dealing with various theological themes from the perspective of all Christian traditions. Our current and past issues are approachable for free on this website in the form of Open Access.

AUC THEOLOGICA, Vol 4 No 2 (2014), 219–231

Interpreting the Bible against Postmodern Biblical Hermeneutics: The Role of Time and Tradition

Kateřina Kočí

published online: 10. 12. 2014


There are two main streams for interpreting the Bible in postmodern hermeneutics, Reader-Response Criticism and Reception History. They have things in common, namely the “dialogical” character of analysis. However, they differ significantly in their perception of the role of time and tradition. Reader-Response is a purely synchronic approach; it has no interest in either time or tradition in its analysis. Scholars of Reader-Response claim that there is no persistency of meaning throughout time. On the one hand, we see this as a deficiency because it suggests that there is no such a thing as meaning of the text at all. On the other hand, it leaves enough space for original interpretation. Scholars of Reception History insist on the continuity of meaning throughout time. Thus they claim that there really is something which we may call the “core meaning” of the text to which new interpretations add new significances. However, they risk the other extreme – over-reliance on the tradition and dismissal of interpretations which are not in continuity with the tradition. David P. Parris brings in a concept of “paradigm shift”, which takes tradition into account but leaves enough space for the originality of new interpretations. Postmoderní biblická interpretace: Čas a tradice Mezi postmoderními přístupy k biblické interpretaci dominují zejména dva – čtenářsky orientované teorie a dějiny působnosti textu. Některé věci, jako dialogický přístup k analýze textu, mají společné, naopak jiné, jako je role časovosti a tradice, se výrazně liší. Čtenářsky orientované teorie jsou přístupy synchronní, nezabývají se ani otázkou časovosti, ani tradice. Badatelé v této oblasti tvrdí, že význam textu je v dějinách nepřenosný. Toto stanovisko vnímáme negativně, neboť v podstatě tvrdí, že text sám o sobě, tedy nezávisle na kontextu, žádný význam nemá. Jeho výhodou však je, že ponechává dostatek prostoru pro originální interpretace. Badatelé v oblasti dějin působnosti textu trvají na tom, že význam textu přetrvá dějinné změny. To znamená, že existuje jakési „jádro významu“ textu, k němuž nové interpretace, vznikající v novém kontextu, doplňují nové důrazy. U tohoto přístupu, který zdůrazňuje kontinuitu interpretace textu, hrozí, že originální interpretace, které by nebyly v kontinuitě s tradicí, označí za nelegitimní. Koncept „změny paradigmatu“, který představuje David P. Parris, bere vážně koncept tradice, ale současně nechává dostatek prostoru pro originální interpretace.

keywords: Reader-Response Criticism; Reception History; Time; Tradition; Paradigm shift čtenářsky orientované teorie; dějiny působnosti textu; analýza z hlediska času; tradice; změna paradigmatu

Creative Commons License
Interpreting the Bible against Postmodern Biblical Hermeneutics: The Role of Time and Tradition is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

148 x 210 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 100 czk
ISSN: 1804-5588
E-ISSN: 2336-3398
