AUC Studia Territorialia (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia) is a peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on Area Studies. It covers political, economic, social, and cultural affairs of North America, Europe, and post-Soviet Eurasia in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The journal was founded in 2001; currently, i

t appears biannually, both electronically and in print. It publishes original scholarly articles, book reviews, conference reports and research notes. The journal is a publication of the Institute of International Studies at Charles University’s Faculty of Social Sciences.

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AUC STUDIA TERRITORIALIA, Vol 21 No 1 (2021), 45–75

Undemocratic History Politics in a Democratic State: Celebrations of Finland’s 100 Years of Independence

Juho Korhonen

published online: 02. 08. 2021


This article analyses the history politics of the Finnish state as illustrated by the organization of the celebrations of the centenary of Finland’s independence. The article suggests that the Finnish state and its Finland 100 project promoted an undemocratic, controlled, and carefully curated approach towards the politics of history. An homage to pluralism was constructed on top of an immutable national narrative that was actively safeguarded and adopted as the only acceptable framework for interpretation of the connections between Finland’s past, the present, and future. In other words, as the primary source documents I analyzed show, lip service to the “harmonious coexistence of different perspectives” was coupled with controls over contested and alternative interpretations, with guidelines that urged the Finland 100 organizers to “report any weak signals of crisis to central communications in good time.”

keywords: history politics; politics of history; Finland; democracy; nationalism; national anniversaries

Creative Commons License
Undemocratic History Politics in a Democratic State: Celebrations of Finland’s 100 Years of Independence is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

148 x 210 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 180 czk
ISSN: 1213-4449
E-ISSN: 2336-3231
