AUC Philosophica et Historica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica) is a multidisciplinary academic journal focused on the humanities with more than 50 years of tradition.

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AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA, Vol 2020 No 2 (2020), 87–115

„Bildhauer in Stuttgart, sonsten aber aus Prag.“ Ondřej Filip Quitainer jako člen družiny pražských umělců v Ludwigsburgu v letech 1709–1714

[“Bildhauer in Stuttgart, sonsten aber aus Prag.” Andreas Philipp Quitteiner as a member of the group of Prague artists in Ludwigsburg (1709 to 1714)]

Martin Hořák

published online: 02. 08. 2021


Prague sculptor Andreas Philipp Filip Quitteiner (1679–1729) has not been thoroughly examined to date, including his works in the ducal residence of Ludwigsburg. The paper outlines the circumstances of the sculptor’s departure to Ludwigsburg against the background of a recruiting trip undertaken by architect Johann Friedrich Nette (c. 1672–1714) to Prague in October 1708. The author poses the question of the extent to which Quitteiner’s engagement reflected his position in contemporary Prague sculpture and divides Quitteiner’s work in Ludwigsburg into two periods with a turning point occurring in September 1712, when the artist lost his privileged position. In five subchapters, the author focuses attention on the main sets of the sculptor’s works: garden sculpture, allegorical sculptures of Caritas and Prudentia from the vestibule of the Ordensbau palace wing, decoration of the Fürstenbau main palace building, statues on the balustrade of the court of honour, decoration of the ceremonial staircase in the Riesenbau wing. By analysing the extant works, the author arrives at findings on the sculptor’s sources of inspiration and models. The examined works are also analysed from an iconographic perspective and placed in the context of the ruling representation of Duke Eberhard Ludwig Württemberg (1676–1733).

keywords: Ondřej Filip Quitainer / Andreas Philipp Quitteiner (1679–1729); Ludwigsburg Palace; Johann Friedrich Nette (c. 1672–1714); Prague baroque sculpture; baroque in Württemberg; European baroque sculpture

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Creative Commons License
„Bildhauer in Stuttgart, sonsten aber aus Prag.“ Ondřej Filip Quitainer jako člen družiny pražských umělců v Ludwigsburgu v letech 1709–1714 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0567-8293
E-ISSN: 2464-7055
