AUC Philosophica et Historica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica) is a multidisciplinary academic journal focused on the humanities with more than 50 years of tradition.

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AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA, Vol 2020 No 2 (2020), 61–86

(Ne)rozluční společníci. Polozapomenuté ikonografické i urbanistické souvislosti vybraných sochařských děl věnovaných sv. Janu Nepomuckému v Praze

[(In)separable companions. Half-forgotten iconographic and urban contexts of selected sculptures dedicated to St. John of Nepomuk in Prague]

Kateřina Adamcová

published online: 02. 08. 2021


The article deals with several statues of St. John of Nepomuk, which were created on the territory of the former Prague cities between the erection of the statue of a saint on Charles Bridge in 1683 and his beatification in 1721. Based on a deeper analysis of available data found both in the existing literature and on these statues themselves, and evaluation of their former urban context, the author points out an interesting phenomenon that is associated with these statues.

keywords: Prague; Baroque sculpture; statues of St. John Nepomuk; former urban context

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Creative Commons License
(Ne)rozluční společníci. Polozapomenuté ikonografické i urbanistické souvislosti vybraných sochařských děl věnovaných sv. Janu Nepomuckému v Praze is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0567-8293
E-ISSN: 2464-7055
