AUC Philosophica et Historica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philosophica et Historica) is a multidisciplinary academic journal focused on the humanities with more than 50 years of tradition.

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AUC PHILOSOPHICA ET HISTORICA, Vol 2017 No 1 (2017), 51–59

Umělecká tvořivost v úvahách A. N. Whiteheada a H. Bergsona

[Artistic Creativity in Bergson and Whitehead]

Miloš Ševčík

published online: 23. 03. 2017


The article is a discussion of Alfred North Whitehead’s and Henri Bergson’s considerations of the difference between creativity and stagnation in art. A comparison of the ideas of these two thinkers is then made with the intention of demonstrating the similarity of their approaches to the nature and meaning of fundamental innovations in art. The article also emphasizes that, according to the two thinkers, such innovations are derived from the artist’s relationship with multifaceted reality and are inspired by a true revelation of it. Finally, the article considers Whitehead’s and Bergson’s ideas about the relationship between artistic creativity and the future: the future of universal harmony in Whitehead and the future of artistic production in Bergson.

keywords: A. N. Whitehead; H. Bergson; creativity; stagnation; art

references (9)

1. Auxier, R. E., Influence as Confluence: Bergson and Whitehead, Process Studies, roč. 38, 1999, č. 3–4, s. 301–338.

2. Bergson, H., Duchovní energie, Vyšehrad, Praha 2002.

3. Bergson, H., Dva zdroje morálky a náboženství, Vyšehrad, Praha 2007.

4. Fallon, A. D., Poetry and Process, Midwest Quarterly, roč. 45, 2004, č. 3, s. 256–272.

5. Gunter, P. A. Y., Whitehead, Bergson, Freud: Suggestions Toward a Theory of Laughter, The Southern Journal of Philosophy, roč. 4, 1966, č. 2, s. 55–60.

6. Lowe, V., The Influence of Bergson, James and Alexander on Whitehead, Journal of the History of Ideas, roč. 10, 1949, č. 2, s. 267–296.

7. Northrop, F. S. C., Whitehead’s Philosophy of Science, in: Schilpp, P. A. (ed.), Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, Tudor, New York 1941, s. 165–207.

8. Whitehead, A. N., Adventure of Ideas, The Free Press, New York 1967.

9. Whitehead, A. N., Symbolismus, jeho význam a účin, Panglos, Praha 2008.

periodicity: 2 x per year
ISSN: 0567-8293
E-ISSN: 2464-7055
