AUC Philologica (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Philologica) is an academic journal published by Charles University. It publishes scholarly articles in a large number of disciplines (English, German, Greek and Latin, Oriental, Romance and Slavonic studies, as well as in phonetics and translation studies), both on linguistic and on literary and cultural topics. Apart from articles it publishes reviews of new academic books or special issues of academic journals.

The journal is indexed in CEEOL, DOAJ, EBSCO, and ERIH PLUS.

AUC PHILOLOGICA, Vol 2013 No 2 (2013), 109–121

La formazione di parole in un corpus diacronico: Appunti sulla produttività dei suffissi -mento e -zione nel Cinquecento

Pavel Štichauer

published online: 29. 12. 2014


Word-Formation in a Diachronic Corpus: Remarks on the Productivity of the Suffixes -mento and –zione in the Italian Language of the 16th Century This paper deals with two deverbal suffixes, -mento and -zione, in the Italian language of Cinquecento. The article aims to show, within the corpus-based quantitative approach to morphological productivity, that in the 16th century the suffix -zione cannot be considered a fully available means of word-formation but should be rather seen as a result of a massive borrowing process. The data, drawn from a 10 million corpus of Cinquecento (being part of the large LIZ 4.0 corpus), are presented along with the discussion of the type frequency, token frequency, vocabulary growth and the P values. The high token frequency of -zione is highlighted with special respect to the present-day situation where the suffix is the “frequency topscorer”. However, the main difference between the 16th century and the present-day -zione formations is stressed, i.e. the absence of nouns with -izzazione (and the scarce presence of -ificazione) which is due to the absence of causative verbs in -izzare and -ificare. It is only later, as witnessed by three major dictionaries, that these causative suffixes settle down as really available becoming thus the principal input to the suffix -zione.

keywords: diachronic corpus; word-formation; morphological productivity; italian language of the 16th century; suffixes -mento and -zione corpus diacronico; formazione delle parole; produttività morfologica; italiano del Cinquecento; suffissi -mento e -zione

230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 3 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 0567-8269
E-ISSN: 2464-6830
