Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica (AUC Kinanthropologica) is an international peer reviewed journal for the publication of research outcomes in the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences, as applied to kinathropology. It is a multidisciplinary journal accepting only original unpublished articles in English in the various sub-disciplines and related fields of kinanthropology, such as Anthropology, Anthropomotorics, Sports Pedagogy, Sociology of Sport, Philosophy of Sport, History of Sport, Physiology of Sport And Exercise, Physical Education, Applied Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Human Biomechanics, Psychology of Sport, Sports Training and Coaching, Sport Management, etc. The journal also welcomes interdisciplinary articles. The journal also includes reports of relevant activities and reviews of relevant publications.

The journal is abstracted and indexed by CNKI, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, SPOLIT, SPORTDiscus, and Ulrichsweb.

AUC KINANTHROPOLOGICA, Vol 59 No 2 (2023), 113–123

The athletic consul: a new role in sports organizations

Timothy Baghurst, Frances Cacho, Adrian Griffin

published online: 23. 01. 2024


Sports organizations are complex. In addition to the actual coaching of athletes, many utilize a myriad of different administrative and sport science departments or areas of expertise to aid in the achievement of success. Examples include sports administration, nutrition, strength and conditioning, sport psychology, counseling, athletic training, to name a few. Consequently, there are many voices within the organization, and communication and effectiveness may be affected by silos, fear of voicing opinions, or other chal¬lenges that come from the stresses and rigors of athletic competition. Anecdotally, we have noticed the often-informal introduction of an individual into some sports organizations and teams to help support the overall organization and its personnel. This individual does not necessarily have decision-making pow¬ers, but serves as a conduit of information, a supporter, and an advisor to all parties. To date, a specific title for this position has not been formally recognized, nor have its roles or responsibilities been defined. There¬fore, the purpose of this conceptual article is to propose a name for this position, which we have termed Athletic Consul (AC). Further, we outline why such a position is valuable, its fit within an athletic program, the roles and responsibilities of the position, and why it is necessary for such this position be formalized.

keywords: coach; athlete; ombudsman; sport psychology; counseling; athletics; sport management

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The athletic consul: a new role in sports organizations is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 190 czk
ISSN: 1212-1428
E-ISSN: 2336-6052
