Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica (AUC Kinanthropologica) is an international peer reviewed journal for the publication of research outcomes in the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences, as applied to kinathropology. It is a multidisciplinary journal accepting only original unpublished articles in English in the various sub-disciplines and related fields of kinanthropology, such as Anthropology, Anthropomotorics, Sports Pedagogy, Sociology of Sport, Philosophy of Sport, History of Sport, Physiology of Sport And Exercise, Physical Education, Applied Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Human Biomechanics, Psychology of Sport, Sports Training and Coaching, Sport Management, etc. The journal also welcomes interdisciplinary articles. The journal also includes reports of relevant activities and reviews of relevant publications.

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AUC KINANTHROPOLOGICA, Vol 51 No 1 (2015), 65–76

Differentiation of test results for standing long jump in the Czech male population aged 18–19 years

Šárka Honsová

published online: 26. 11. 2015


There is currently a growing concern over the use of a representative survey, which could be used to develop standards in physical education and sport. The only reference data that can be usually found is that remaining from the 1980s. One of the new incentives could be the customized adjustment of standards, so that a person can compare themselves with the same group of people, not only by age and sex, as applies to most current traditional standards, but so that the group matches in other parameters, in other words, so that the standards are more differentiated. The aim of our research was to explore the differentiation of physical fitness standards in the Czech population, which in the future will be based on data management and analysis via a knowledge base. This system allows data differentiation according to specified criteria and thus the standard will become dynamic, i.e. relevantly adapted to each user. For our initial analysis, we chose the results of the motor test for the standing long jump in the male population aged 18–19 years, who are already adults, and for whom we have the largest database. Besides differentiation based on sex and age, we have also selected additional criteria for body height, body weight, level of physical activity and the region where the tested person works or attends school. The effect of these parameters that has been monitored based on the analysis of variance. Statistically significant differences occurred with the factors for body height (p-value < 0.0001), body weight (p-value < 0.0001) and the level of physical activity (p-value < 0.0001), while on the other hand, there were no significant statistical differences between groups in the regional factor (p = 0.1458). When evaluating the effect size of the variance analysis through the η2 coefficient, the regional factor shows very little effect (η2 = 0.0258), the body height factor and the level of physical activity show a medium effect (η2 = 0.0715 and η2 = 0.0775) and the body weight factor shows a great effect (η2 = 0.1473). Based on these results we consider expanding the number of criteria for the differentiation of standards as effective and appropriate. The analysis of the sorting factors is therefore one of the constituents, which will lead to the successful creation of a knowledge base.

keywords: analysis of variance; standards; physical fitness; population testing; motor tests

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ISSN: 1212-1428
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