Acta Universitatis Carolinae Iuridica (AUCI) is the main journal of the Faculty of Law of Charles University. It has been published since 1954 and is one of the traditional law journals with a theoretical focus.
As a general law journal, it publishes longer studies and shorter articles on any relevant issues in legal theory and international, European and national law. AUCI also publishes material relating to current legislative issues. AUCI is a peer-reviewed journal and accepts submissions from both Czech and international authors. Contributions by foreign authors are published in their original language – Slovak, English, German, French.
AUCI is a theoretical journal for questions of state and law. It is published by Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, through Karolinum Press. It is published four times a year, the dates of publication can be found here.
Articles published in AUCI undergo an independent peer review process, which is anonymous on both sides. Reviewers from the field give their opinion on the scientific quality of the paper and the suitability of publication in the journal. In the case of comments, the opinion is sent back to the author with the possibility of revising the text (see Guidelines for Authors – Per Review Process for more details).
The AUCI journal (ISSN 0323-0619) is registered in the Czech National Bibliography (kept by the National Library of the Czech Republic) and in the Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (kept by the American Association of Law Libraries). AUCI has been assigned a periodical registration number MK E 18585.
In 2021 the journal AUCI was the first journal of the Faculty of Law of Charles University to be included in the prestigious international database Scopus. This Elsevier database is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in the world. The editors of the journal expect from the inclusion in the elite Scopus database not only an increase in the readership of the journal, but also an increase in interest in the publication of papers by both Czech and foreign authors.
AUCI is an open journal and all its content is published both on the faculty website and on the Karolinum Press website. Access to it is free of charge. The homepage of AUCI is on the Karolinum Press website.
The AUCI journal uses the Creative Commons license: CC BY 4.0.
Long-term archiving of the digital content of the journal is provided by Portico.
AUC IURIDICA, Vol 63 No 1 (2017), 7–23
Několik poznámek k rozhodčímu řízení v individuálních pracovních sporech v ČSR
[A Few Remarks to Employment Arbitration in Czechoslovakia]
Martin Štefko
published online: 07. 03. 2017
This article portrays a long tradition of employment conciliation and arbitration in the legal predecessors of the Czech Republic. From the eve of the last century, there was also a variety of semi-judicial institutions established on the basis of particular provisions such as the Act on Works Councils, the Act on Home Work, the Trade Order, or special regulations in the mining industry and in the building trades (including enterprises engaged in manufacturing and transportation of building materials). Giving the stated struggle to guarantee the right to a fair trial in employment disputes, we could return and combine the best of our legal tradition with recent developments of consumer protection in arbitration. There is no real obstacle for arbitration in labour law if each party will be entitled to a competent, neutral arbitrator and independent, neutral administration of the dispute; representation by an attorney or other representative at such party’s expense; a fear of arbitration hearing; a face-to-face hearing; the right to present evidence and cross examine witnesses; a written explanation of the basis for the arbitrator’s decision and the right to opt out of the binding arbitration and into the claims court in well-defined cases.
keywords: conciliation; arbitration; employment disputes; labour law
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Několik poznámek k rozhodčímu řízení v individuálních pracovních sporech v ČSR is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
230 x 157 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 65 czk
ISSN: 0323-0619
E-ISSN: 2336-6478