Nitsche, MartinO tom, co se fenomenologie může naučit popisem zvukových prostředí
published: january 2025
recommended price: 260 czk
Poznámky k literatuře I
Adorno, Theodor W.Notes to Literature contains texts written by Theodor Adorno mostly in the 1950s. These are essays that create new rules of literary crit...
published: march 2024
recommended price: 390 czk
Serres, MichelThe interviews, summarized under the title Clarifying Together, were conducted by Michel Serres (1930–2019) and Bruno Latour (1947–2022) ...
Pět rozhovorů s Brunem Latourem
published: january 2024
recommended price: 290 czk
Pascalovské meditace
Bourdieu, PierreThe book Pascal's Meditations (1997) is one of the most important theoretical works of the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002)...
published: may 2023
recommended price: 410 czk
Kapitoly z filosofie nové hudby
Fulka, JosefThe monograph Chapters from the Philosophy of Modern Music is devoted to some of the forms of interaction between music, philosophy, lit...
published: may 2023
recommended price: 210 czk
Kdo tu mluvil o vítězství?
Matějčková, TerezaTraditional cultures have exercises which teach people discipline. Even modern philosophers, Hegel, Nietzsche and Kierkegaard paid specia...
Osm cvičení ve filosofické rezignaci
published: november 2022
recommended price: 340 czk
Richter, GerhardThe central theme of this book, written by Gerhard Richter, a professor of German studies and comparative literature at Brown University,...
Figury následování v moderním myšlení a estetice
published: march 2022
recommended price: 320 czk
Estetika ambiguity
Bierhanzl, JanRemaining in ambiguity is at the root of how we experience art works. The ambiguity is inherent in the genre and content, in the movement...
published: january 2022
recommended price: 180 czk
Zrození kinematografického času
Doaneová, Mary AnnUp through the 19th century, time was viewed as a continuous stream, an element whose flow could not be influenced. The onset of the capi...
Modernita, nahodilost, archiv
published: june 2021
recommended price: 360 czk