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Soukromá válka Huga Vavrečky

Soukromá válka Huga Vavrečky

Mikrohistorie z rozhraní soudobých dějin (1945–1952)

[Hugo Vavrečka's private war. Microhistory from the borderline of contemporary history (1945–1952)]

Wohlmuth Markupová, Jana

subjects: history – 20th century
series: Oral History and Contemporary History

e-book, 1. edition
published: june 2022
ISBN: 978-80-246-5252-8
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 230 czk



The name of Hugo Vavrečka (1880–1952), a journalist, diplomat, director of the Baťa company, minister of propaganda and grandfather of the Havel brothers, tends to be mentioned in the historiography only marginally. Only rarely has he been in the limelight and especially the last years of his life escaped attention entirely. Yet it is these years that raise the most questions and bring the least expected answers.
This book opens with a brief account of Vavrečka’s life up though 1945, summarizes the main area of his activities and demonstrates his priorities and stances that were fully manifested during the period under scrutiny, 1945–1952, when Vavrečka had to, like other members of the former First Republic and partly also Protectorate elite, come to terms with problem that arose from these (pre-)war activities. The scholar follows Vavrečka’s adaptation to the changing social conditions and his position within them and presents an almost detective-style search for different strategies of discussions and negotiations which he employed when he was for example accused of collaboration. She also seeks answers to question of what Vavrečka thought about the world around him and how he imagined his (and not only his) future.

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