Vojáci věčné války
Militární reenactment v českých zemích mezi historickou rekonstrukcí a nevyřízenými účty dějin
[Soldiers of Eternal War. Military re-enactment in the Czech lands between historical reconstruction and unsettled accounts of history.]
Oral History and Contemporary History
paperback, 492 pp., 1. edition
published: january 2025
ISBN: 978-80-246-5997-8
recommended price: 490 czk
Historical re-enactment is a challenging imaginative activity involving many thousands of participants within the Czech lands. Through their public as well as private performances, actors in re-enactments attempt to make the past present once again, which is exceptionally difficult, as access to it is limited by historical sources, creating an imaginary gulf between us and the past.
The book Soldiers of Eternal War presents the result of the first ever extensive professional research into the phenomenon of military historical re-enactment in the Czech environment. The book’s co-authors spent three years in the company of military re-enactors and now attempt to provide initial answers not only to whether an authentic replication of past events is even possible, but also to what meaning military re-enactment carries for its participants and what imaginary unsettled accounts of history are opened again and again on re-enactment battlefields.