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Dramatik František Adolf Šubert

Dramatik František Adolf Šubert

[Playwright František Adolf Šubert]

Veselý, Antonín

subjects: theater, biographies and memoirs

e-book, 1. edition
published: september 2015
ISBN: 978-80-246-3080-9
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 260 czk



Although František Adolf Šubert (1849–1915), the first director of the National Theatre, was an active man of considerable merit, this is the first monograph devoted to him. By publishing the revised manuscript on F. A. Šubert as a playwright written by Antonín Veselý (1888–1945), a journalist, art critic and literary historian, we have repaid part of Czech cultural historiography’s debt to this prominent figure, who has almost sunk into oblivion. The book’s author, and subsequently also its editor, follows the development of Šubert’s dramatic work, previously unjustly undervalued, from its outset during his studies, via a complicated surmounting of the romantic aesthetic and contemporary French influences, through several serious attempts at producing contemporary realistic drama, a genre with a pioneering role in Czech dramatic production. The author convincingly demonstrates their significance through a thorough analysis of sources as well as in the broader cultural and political context.