I řekl Bůh

I řekl Bůh

Trinitární teologie stvoření

[And God said]

Pospíšil, Ctirad V.

subjects: religion
series: Theology Series

e-book, 1. edition
published: november 2020
ISBN: 978-80-246-4262-8
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 290 czk



The monograph, "And God Said", closes a major gap in the work of Czech theologians, because there has not been a truly contemporary, original, complete theology of creation available in the Czech language for many decades. Thorough consideration of all of the themes on the classical treatise on creation and also on a number of questions in theological anthropology in the light of the secret of God the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost gives this text an entirely original character even in comparison to offerings on the international scene. The main common denominator of these reflections on the Trinity Origin of all existence is freedom and the dignity of not only the Trinity, but above all of man. The work is addressed primarily to those who pursue Christian theology, both as lecturers and students, and to those who have a deeper interest in the given form of rationality.

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