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Christologie z pomezí

Christologie z pomezí

Jacques Dupuis, Roger Haight a Jon Sobrino

[Boundaries of Christology]

Jandejsek, Petr

subjects: religion
series: Theology Series

e-book, 1. edition
published: november 2019
ISBN: 978-80-246-4256-7
e-book formats PDF
recommended price: 220 czk



The theology of religion, various forms of postmodern theology and the theology of liberation have been some the most often discussed areas of theology over the past few decades. This study, "Boundaries of Christology: Jacques Dupuis, Roger Haight and Jon Sobrino", is the original contribution of Czech theologian Petr Jandejsek, who describes the state of research in the selected areas using selected personalities of contemporary world theology. Using his experience as a theologian, he combines the approaches to the person of Jesus Christ, which are presented in the book, with the context in which he develops his theology and in which he recognizes Christ. This is associated with a bold new, yet still responsible, reading of the Church’s doctrine of Christ.
The combination of Dupuis, Haight and Sobrino is not random, as these are all Jesuit theologians. The study examines the extent to which the common features of their theological reasoning are influenced by the post-conciliar Ignatian spirituality, their experiences with missionary work as well as the epochal work of Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner. Another thing that all three theologians share is the fact that their works were subjected to criticism by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Another topic of the publication is formed by the tension between their theological approaches and a certain interpretation of church theology in a publication connected primarily with the work of Joseph Ratzinger, the former Prefect of the Congregation who later became Pope Benedict XVI. The study thus presents the dispute over the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council and its legacy for Roman Catholic theology and the world.

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