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Němci v Praze 1861–1914

Němci v Praze 1861–1914

Cohen, Gary B.

subjects: history – 19th century, history – 20th century

paperback, 316 pp., 1. edition
published: october 2000
ISBN: 80-246-0019-6
recommended price: 285 czk



An American historian traces the political, social and cultural history of the Prague Germans from 1861 (when Czechs gained the majority on the city council) to the 1st World War. The author describes the Prague German’s attempts to come to terms with their loss of status and power in everyday life. He focuses particularly on the emergence of the Prague liberal community in the earlier 19th century and the subsequent division of Bohemian provincial patriots into separate groups of Czechs and Germans. The author also focuses on the usually neglected lower social groups within German society. The book ends with an analysis of the defeat of the liberal political movement among Prague Germans on the eve of the Great War.