Plavání. Plavecké sporty a plavání ve vícebojích
Kovařovic, Karel
published: february 2011
recommended price: 95 czk
published: february 2011
recommended price: 95 czk
Proceedings of the scientific conference held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of C...
Conference Proceedings
published: june 2014
recommended price: 375 czk
The textbook is intended for students of the Physical Education and Sports programs at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at Cha...
published: july 2018
recommended price: 260 czk
The text is intended for sports coaches interested in sports education and for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, C...
published: march 2007
recommended price: 205 czk
This textbook is intended for students of bachelor’s and master’s programs accredited at the Charles University’s Faculty of Physical Edu...
published: november 2021
recommended price: 150 czk
published: august 2023
recommended price: 200 czk
published: november 2014
recommended price: 145 czk
The German-Czech and Czech-German Sports Dictionary is an extensive database of terms in sports and other closely related fields. It incl...
published: february 2019
recommended price: 240 czk
There is no other sport in which national and world records fall so frequently as in swimming. Our coaches often wonder what makes swimme...
published: october 2022
recommended price: 250 czk
The publication Movement – the Art of Life is an output from the international conference Movement – the Art of Life II, which took place...
published: november 2006
recommended price: 105 czk
published: august 2023
recommended price: 220 czk
This textbook, Massage and Regeneration in Sport, is intended for students of sports schools and other people interested in sports, and i...
published: november 2020
recommended price: 150 czk