K možnostem identifikace struktury sportovní talentovanosti
Perič, TomášThis publication presents the results of a survey focusing on finding the structure of giftedness with ice-hockey players aged 12. The ag...
published: november 2008
recommended price: 200 czk
Lexikon sportovního tréninku
Dovalil, Josef a kol.This lexicon provides a modern explanation of a total of 211 frequently used terms concerning training, including fields connected with t...
published: march 2008
recommended price: 295 czk
Sportovní organizace
Slepičková, IrenaTeoretická východiska a situace v ČR po roce 1990
published: january 2008
recommended price: 115 czk
Pedagogika sportu
Svoboda, BohumilThe text is intended for sports coaches interested in sports education and for students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, C...
published: march 2007
recommended price: 205 czk
Sjíždění a zatáčení na lyžích
Psotová, Dana – Příbramský, Miloš a kol.Česká škola lyžování
published: january 2007
recommended price: 140 czk
Movement – the Art of Life
Parry Martínková, Irena – Dastlík, LukášThe publication Movement – the Art of Life is an output from the international conference Movement – the Art of Life II, which took place...
published: november 2006
recommended price: 105 czk
Atletika – Slovník odborných výrazů česko-anglický, anglicko-český
Koudelková, Andrea
published: march 2005
recommended price: 100 czk