Morální vývoj školáků a předškoláků
Klusák, MiroslavThis monograph, Moral Development of School and Pre-school Children. Paradigmatic Challenges According to Jean Piaget, presents a thoroug...
Paradigmatické výzvy dle Jeana Piageta
published: july 2014
recommended price: 160 czk
Česky psané časopisy pro děti (1850–1989)
Švec, Štefan
published: june 2014
recommended price: 470 czk
Physical Activity in Science and Practice
Flemr, LiborProceedings of the scientific conference held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of C...
Conference Proceedings
published: june 2014
recommended price: 375 czk
Krásná próza raného obrození 1. Studie
Kusáková, LenkaLenka Kusáková presents fiction in the early stages of the National Revival movement based on texts published in magazines, almanacs and ...
published: june 2014
recommended price: 70 czk
Sobotka, Pavel et al.The textbook written in English Pathophysiology – Laboratory Exercises for foreign students of the Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen includes...
Laboratory Exercises
published: june 2014
recommended price: 80 czk
VADEMECUM. Zdravotní tělesná výchova
Hošková, Blanka a kol.Druhy oslabení
published: june 2014
recommended price: 80 czk
Central Nervous System
Valenta, Jiří – Fiala, PavelOverview of Anatomy
published: june 2014
recommended price: 80 czk
Rozbor nynější spisovné angličtiny
Trnka, BohumilThis edition of An Analysis of Contemporary Standard English, a fundamental text on methodology consisting of three volumes and written b...
published: june 2014
recommended price: 305 czk
Cur homo?
Novotný, VojtěchThis monograph has set itself the goal to examine, outline, elucidate, and supplement the existing body of knowledge concerning a theme f...
A history of the thesis concerning man as a replacement for fallen angels
published: june 2014
recommended price: 285 czk
Krásná próza raného obrození 2. Antologie
Kusáková, LenkaLenka Kusáková presents fiction in the early stages of the National Revival movement based on texts published in magazines, almanacs and ...
published: june 2014
recommended price: 120 czk
Mor 1480–1730
Černý, KarelThe 1340s plague adumbrated a long period of periodically returning deadly epidemics. The danger did not spare anyone as the "black death...
Epidemie v lékařských traktátech raného novověku
published: june 2014
recommended price: 260 czk