

Machiavelli, Niccolò

Machiavelli’s The Prince once and for all changed our way of thinking about the nature of politics, no matter which view we take. This ne...

published: june 2022
recommended price: 260 czk


Vladislav Vančura

Vladislav Vančura

Chitnis, Rajendra Anand

This is the first major analytical study in English of the work of the leading Czech Avant-garde novelist and dramatist, Vladislav Vančur...

The Heart of the Czech Avant-garde

published: december 2007
recommended price: 240 czk


Vlastenci proti okupaci

Vlastenci proti okupaci

Kural, Václav

The topic of this book is the "second set" of Czech anti-Nazi resistance movement from 1940–1943. It focuses on the resistance, known as ...

Ústřední vedení odboje domácího 1940–1943

published: july 1997
recommended price: 125 czk


Vlastní Bůh

Vlastní Bůh

Beck, Ulrich

In the contemporary globalized world marked by a mixing of cultures and worldviews, the necessity to seek modes of coexistence, especiall...

Mírotvorný a násilný potenciál náboženství

published: april 2018
recommended price: 290 czk


Von Mathesius bis Masaryk

Von Mathesius bis Masaryk

Schwarz, Karl W.

This book presents essays by the prominent Austrian religious historian, Karl W. Schwarz, focusing on Protestantism in the Czech Lands. I...

Über den Protestantismus in den böhmischen Ländern zwischen Asch/Aš und Teschen/Těšín/Cieszyn

published: may 2019
recommended price: 350 czk
