English for Pharmacy and Medical Bioanalytics
Havlíčková, Ilona – Dostálová, Šárka – Katerová, ZuzanaThe third edition of this textbook for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Charles University, focuses on presenting and practicing Engl...
published: february 2023
recommended price: 320 czk
Burgundský stát
Schnerb, BertrandBertrand Schnerb's book presents a synthesis of the Burgundian state at the end of the Middle Ages. Alongside parts of northern Italy, th...
published: february 2023
recommended price: 410 czk
Paleografická čítanka
Hledíková, Zdeňka – Kašpar, Jaroslav – Ebelová, IvanaThis palaeographic reader is meant for student archivists and history students, as well as anybody else interested in reading old texts k...
published: february 2023
recommended price: 340 czk
Krizové řízení v ČR na počátku 21. století
Vilášek, Josef – Fus, JanThe theme of this monograph is crisis management, which in the Czech Republic is stipulated by the law; it reacts to the need to prepare ...
published: january 2023
recommended price: 300 czk
Saturnin - francouzsky
Jirotka, ZdeněkThe French edition of Zdeněk Jirotka's humorous novel, whose main hero is the legendary and loyal servant Saturnin, who fights aunt Kateř...
published: january 2023
recommended price: 450 czk
Body image a pohybové aktivity mládeže
Schlegel, Petr – Fialová, Ludmila
published: january 2023
recommended price: 260 czk
In nomine Domini
Suchánek, DrahomírPapežské volby v období gregoriánské reformy
published: january 2023
recommended price: 320 czk
The Natural Gas Conundrum
Lídl, VáclavThe study examines energy security in the Central Asia region, with an emphasis on the natural gas sector. The research presented in the ...
Transformation of the Central Asian Energy Security Complex after 1991
published: january 2023
recommended price: 350 czk
Jazyková krajina jako kronika komplexity
Blommaert, JanEtnografický pohled na superdiverzifikovanou společnost
published: january 2023
recommended price: 230 czk