Čtvrtá revoluce

Čtvrtá revoluce

Floridi, Luciano

The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) radically transforms not only how we understand the world and how we co...

Jak infosféra mění tvář lidské reality

published: february 2019
recommended price: 320 czk


České spory o liberalismus

České spory o liberalismus

Znoj, Milan

The book analyses two czech disputes over liberalism in which two leading czech intellectuals and politicians were participants – T. G. M...

Masaryk a Havel

published: april 2024
recommended price: 320 czk


Confronting Totalitarian Minds

Confronting Totalitarian Minds

Brinton, Aspen E.

The Czech philosopher Jan Patočka not only witnessed some of the most turbulent politics of twentieth-century Central Europe, but shaped ...

Jan Patočka on Politics and Dissidence

published: may 2021
recommended price: 370 czk


Být místem Bytí

Být místem Bytí

Michálek, Jiří

The differences in philosophy of Martin Heidegger before and after the turnover, “the Turning” (die Kehre) in his thinking is not always ...

Tři příspěvky ke studiu Martina Heideggera

published: july 2017
recommended price: 110 czk


Bezpečnost, teritorium, populace

Bezpečnost, teritorium, populace

Foucault, Michel

In opposition to the mechanisms with which rulers attempted to ensure the security of their territory up until the age of classicism, Fou...

Přednášky na Collège de France (1977–1978)

published: may 2023
recommended price: 440 czk


Andělé a filosofie

Andělé a filosofie

Suarez-Naniová, Tiziana

Disputes about the number of angels on the head of a pin are considered to be a proverbial example of the obscurity and ridiculousness of...

Subjektivita a kosmologická role odloučených substancí na konci 13. století

published: november 2021
recommended price: 300 czk
