Rostliny způsobující otravy
Jahodář, LuděkThe book provides comprehensive information on poisonous and potentially poisonous plants of Central European flora, their specific ident...
published: december 2018
recommended price: 410 czk
The book provides comprehensive information on poisonous and potentially poisonous plants of Central European flora, their specific ident...
published: december 2018
recommended price: 410 czk
This book, written by English studies scholar and translator Petr Onufer, addresses the method of creating canons of Anglophone literatur...
Ke kánonu anglofonních literatur v českém kontextu
published: december 2018
recommended price: 250 czk
Despite the growing popularity of running, literature on training young athletes is insufficient. Little attention is also paid to runnin...
published: december 2018
recommended price: 130 czk
The Genres and Intersections of Non-Fiction collection contains contributions by leading experts and theoreticians focusing on non-fictio...
published: december 2018
recommended price: 180 czk
Who were the Mayans? Where and how did they live? What did their religious world look like? What gods did they worship? What rituals did ...
published: december 2018
recommended price: 380 czk
Stage fright is a serious problem for many students of music as well as professional musicians, one that can significantly affect perform...
published: november 2018
recommended price: 180 czk
This book, published on the occasion of the sociologist Jiří Šubrt’s 60th birthday, presents the researcher’s work in its multifaceted br...
published: november 2018
recommended price: 320 czk
Studijní texty pro zahraniční studenty
published: november 2018
recommended price: 250 czk
Individuals as well as entire cultures maintain memories, creating their "memory.” This allows them to define their identity and legitima...
Podoby a proměny kulturní paměti
published: november 2018
recommended price: 420 czk
At the end of the fifteenth century, when the Jagiellons and, later, the first Habsburg rulers sat on the Bohemian throne, the visual sty...
published: november 2018
recommended price: 420 czk
This book’s subject is the overall and significant transformation of our university and research programs over a span of twenty-five year...
Univerzita Karlova a Československá akademie věd 1945–1969
published: november 2018
recommended price: 370 czk
published: november 2018
recommended price: 250 czk