The Stojka family

The Stojka family

Hajská, Markéta

The book traces the history of a Romani family from the territory of today’s Slovakia across the 19th and 20th centuries. Working with a ...

Spatial mobility and territorial anchoredness of Lovara Vlax Roms in the former Czechoslovakia

published: december 2024
recommended price: 600 czk


Vojáci věčné války

Vojáci věčné války

Wohlmuth, Petr (ed.)

Historical re-enactment is a challenging imaginative activity involving many thousands of participants within the Czech lands. Through th...

Militární reenactment v českých zemích mezi historickou rekonstrukcí a nevyřízenými účty dějin

published: january 2025
recommended price: 490 czk


Tvrdohlavé Marie

Tvrdohlavé Marie

Římanová, Jana

Stubborn Marys seeks to answer the question of how women can achieve success in the field of top-level science. It weaves together and co...

Životní příběhy žen generace okouzlené vědou

published: february 2025
recommended price: 310 czk
