Radio and the Performance of Government

Radio and the Performance of Government

Harrison, Erica

Throughout the Second World War, the Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile broadcast over the BBC from London, hoping to reach out to their fo...

Broadcasting by the Czechoslovaks in Exile in London, 1939–1945

published: september 2023
recommended price: 540 czk


Národy nejsou dílem náhody

Národy nejsou dílem náhody

Hroch, Miroslav

The book is a synthetic exposition of the processes of nation-creation in 19th century. It attempts to preserve a balance between the use...

Příčiny a předpoklady utváření moderních evropských národů

published: october 2023
recommended price: 350 czk


Myšlenky pražského frankismu

Myšlenky pražského frankismu

Kohout, Ivan a kol.

In an attempt at the depoliticization of research in the field of Jewish mysticism the authors devote their attention to the community of...

Kritické studium židovské mystiky

published: december 2023
recommended price: 400 czk
