Reflexe a journal of philosophy, was founded in 1985 by Ladislav Hejdánek. The first three issues, originaly published in the underground (samizdat) form, were re-issued legally in 1990. The journal then continued as a quarterly and later, in its present form, as a bi-annual. The focus is on original studies in the areas of Philosophy and Theology. While translations of important philosophical essays are also published, preference is given to new publications. Each issue includes reviews of recent philosophical literature from the Czech Republic and abroad.

REFLEXE, Vol 2017 No 53 (2017), 81–97

Přítomnost v nepřítomnosti. Schelling v předmluvě k Fenomenologii ducha aneb metafora absolutna jako noci

[Present in the Absence. Schelling’s Preface to the Phenomenology of the Spirit, or The Metaphor of the Absolute as Night]

Jindřich Karásek

published online: 30. 04. 2018


In the Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit, we find passages commonly perceived as an implicit critique of Schelling’s philosophy of identity, and in particular his philosophy of nature. The aim of the article is to prove that there are both systematic reasons and reasons that can be found in the correspondence between Schelling and Hegel which, at least, cast doubt on this traditional interpretation. This concerns above all the metaphor of “night in which all cows are black” the interpretation of which is, among others, in the centre of author’s argumentation.

Creative Commons License
Přítomnost v nepřítomnosti. Schelling v předmluvě k Fenomenologii ducha aneb metafora absolutna jako noci is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

202 x 130 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 180 czk
ISSN: 0862-6901
E-ISSN: 2533-7637
