Reflexe a journal of philosophy, was founded in 1985 by Ladislav Hejdánek. The first three issues, originaly published in the underground (samizdat) form, were re-issued legally in 1990. The journal then continued as a quarterly and later, in its present form, as a bi-annual. The focus is on original studies in the areas of Philosophy and Theology. While translations of important philosophical essays are also published, preference is given to new publications. Each issue includes reviews of recent philosophical literature from the Czech Republic and abroad.

REFLEXE, Vol 2016 No 51 (2016), 105–132

Tři postavy současné fenomenologie ve Francii a otázka korelačního a priori

[Three Figures of Phenomenology in France Today and the Problem of the Correlatiove A Priori]

Petr Prášek

published online: 21. 04. 2017


Part I provides an interpretation of Renaud Barbaras’ phenomenological project in which he pursues the “logic” of the phenomenological correlation. In the work of J.-L. Marion, as shows the second part, one can identify a sort of disruption of its equilibrium corresponding to Marion’s inquiry of saturated phenomena. However, Marc Richir’s phenomenology, in its attempt to follow the movement of the phenomenon as such on pre-intentional level, is even more radical and can be considered a further elaboration of Marion’s “givenness” (donation). In the conclusion, all three projects are designed as “post-classical eidetics” which should not be the last word of phenomenology based on Husserl’s correlation.

202 x 130 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 180 czk
ISSN: 0862-6901
E-ISSN: 2533-7637