From 2021, the journal is not published. The last published issue of the journal is issue 2/2020.

Psychologie pro praxi (Psychology for Practice) is academic journal focused on practical applications of psychological research and theory, particularly in psychology of work and organization, social psychology, and psychology of education.

PSYCHOLOGIE PRO PRAXI, Vol 55 No 2 (2020), 75–96

Vnímanie akademického cieľa a kríza v procese jeho dosahovania

[Goal characteristics and action crisis in the process of pursuing the academic goal]

Bibiána Kováčová Holevová

published online: 25. 11. 2021


The aim of the research was to explore the correlations among the perceived characteristics of the academic goal (the grade that a student set himself to achieve) during the semester, as well as the correlations with the obtained grade. The university students (N = 31) participated on the research. Their perceptions of motivation, self-efficacy, commitment, desirability, attainability, effort, progress and action crisis were collected by short scales 1. in the goal setting, 2. after passing the credit test and 3. 24hours before the exam. After passing the exam, the grade and the fulfillment of the goal were also collected. Only the higher desirability after passing the partial goal (after the credit test) was associated with the worse grade. However, the students had set the worse grades than they finally obtained. Correlations among the goal characteristics confirmed the findings of other studies. The correlations among the previous and the upcoming goal characteristics have shown the importance of the initial “want to” motivation, desirability and attainability. The crisis was correlated with low attainability, low progress and with previous crisis and “have to” motivation.

keywords: pursuing the goal; goal characteristics; action crisis; academic goal; educational psychology

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Vnímanie akademického cieľa a kríza v procese jeho dosahovania is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 80 czk
ISSN: 1803-8670
E-ISSN: 2336-6486
