From 2021, the journal is not published. The last published issue of the journal is issue 2/2020.
Psychologie pro praxi (Psychology for Practice) is academic journal focused on practical applications of psychological research and theory, particularly in psychology of work and organization, social psychology, and psychology of education.
PSYCHOLOGIE PRO PRAXI, Vol 54 No 2 (2019), 39–49
Specifika práce s bilingvním klientem v psychologické praxi
[Specifics of working with a bilingual client in psychological practice]
Juraj Jonáš, Mabel Rodriguez
published online: 04. 01. 2021
There has been a great increase of interest in bilingual studies in recent years. Currently there is a solid basis of theoretical knowledge in many aspects of bilingualism, however, they get to practicing psychologists only on a very limited scale. The goal of this article is to make this knowledge more accessible to practicing psychologists in both fields, clinical and I/O psychology. At the beginning, the contemporary theories of bilingual processing within one brain are discussed. They help to explain some aspects of bilingualism, such as cognitive advantages (like better executive functions, or social cognition) and disadvantages (like worse performance in verbal tasks). Then there are described differences in personality and emotional expressions based on the used language. This is followed by specifics of bilingualism in some neuropsychiatric conditions. The article concludes with several notes on practical application of mentioned research in psychological work.
keywords: bilingualism; cognitive functions; neuropsychology
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