PRAGUE MEDICAL REPORT, Vol 126 No 1 (2025), 17–25
The Use of Front Plateau in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Case Series and Literature Review
Brender Leonan-Silva, Roberto de Souza Teodoro Junior, Bruna Monteiro de Paula, Mariana Costa Lima Ribeiro, Michel Colombecky, Mylene Rezende Meireles, Iara Campos Santana, Sabrina Sobral de Oliveira, Larissa Doalla de Almeida e Silva, Olga Dumont Flecha
published online: 03. 03. 2025
Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are conditions with multifactorial etiology and complex treatment. Among the non-invasive therapeutic possibilities for these conditions is the Front Plateau, a partial anterior plate made from colourless self-curing acrylic resin. It is a simple procedure that can be carried out in a single clinical section promoting muscle relaxation to reduce symptoms associated with TMDs. This study aims to report a prospective, consecutive, single-centric case series to evaluate the Front Plateau’s effectiveness in patients with temporomandibular disorders. A questionnaire adapted from the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMDs was used and 4 patients were treated with the Front Plateau plaque. Patients were monitored after 5 and 9 months, respectively, after starting to use the Front Plateau. Of the 4 cases listed, 2 showed significant improvement in initial signs and symptoms. Front Plateau may be a favourable treatment option for patients with TMD, if the guidelines are followed. Clinical trials on this modality should seek to minimize possible biases and limitations associated with the design of this type of research.
keywords: Temporomandibular joint; Temporomandibular joint disorders; Temporomandibular joint disc; Occlusal splints; Conservative treatment
The Use of Front Plateau in the Treatment of Temporomandibular Disorders: A Case Series and Literature Review is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 450 czk
ISSN: 1214-6994
E-ISSN: 2336-2936