Prague Medical Report is an English quarterly published multidisciplinary biomedical journal. Prague Medical Report was founded as Sborník lékařský in May 1885. The journal presents public primary scientific publications, short communications, casuistry, and reviews. It contains articles based on important specialised lectures and symposia.

PRAGUE MEDICAL REPORT, Vol 125 No 4 (2024), 302–308

Comparison of Hematological Markers between Right Ureteral Stone and Acute Appendicitis

Ersin Gökmen, Murat Kars, Selahattin Çalışkan, Yunus Emre Genç, Faruk Arslan, Şakir Karpuz

published online: 29. 11. 2024


Referrals to emergency services are frequently made for acute appendicitis and renal colic. This conundrum of patients with acute appendicitis and right ureteral stones frequently presents itself to emergency physicians. The hematological parameters of patients suffering from acute appendicitis and right ureteral stones were compared in this study. From May 2022 to April 2023 the patients who applied to emergency department were reviewed retrospectively. Of these patients, age, sex, complete blood test results including white blood cell, procalcitonin and C-reactive protein were recorded. The platelet to lymphocyte ratio and the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio were calculated by dividing the platelet count by the lymphocyte, and the neutrophil count by the lymphocyte count, respectively. We used the receiver operating characteristic curves to assess the diagnostic efficacy of hematological markers. There were 106 patients in the study. The mean age of the patients was 43.83 ± 15.82 years. The significant difference was found for age, white blood cell, neutrophil, lymphocyte, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, platelet to lymphocyte ratio and monocyte between groups. The white blood cell and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio have the biggest area than the other parameters in the receiver operating characteristic curves. Patients with acute appendicitis have a high level of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, platelet to lymphocyte ratio than ureteral stones. Further studies are needed to define the diagnostic efficacy of hematological markers for acute appendicitis and ureteral stones.

keywords: Ureteral stone; Acute apendicitis; Emergency; Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio

Creative Commons License
Comparison of Hematological Markers between Right Ureteral Stone and Acute Appendicitis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 450 czk
ISSN: 1214-6994
E-ISSN: 2336-2936
