Prague Medical Report is an English quarterly published multidisciplinary biomedical journal. Prague Medical Report was founded as Sborník lékařský in May 1885. The journal presents public primary scientific publications, short communications, casuistry, and reviews. It contains articles based on important specialised lectures and symposia.

PRAGUE MEDICAL REPORT, Vol 124 No 3 (2023), 230–241

Effect of Convalescent Plasma Therapy on Mortality and Viral Load in Severely Ill Patients with COVID-19

Jan Moravec, Martin Müller, Petr Turek, Michal Moravec, Tomáš Nejtek, Roman Zazula

published online: 22. 09. 2023


The use of convalescent plasma (CP) appeared to be a promising, easily available and safe way of treatment of severe COVID-19 at the onset of the pandemic in early 2020. Conducted in 2020 and 2021, our study of 52 severely to critically ill COVID-19 patients who received CP plasma as a treatment and of 97 controls found no difference in 30-day or 90-day mortality rates. A significant viral load drop in most patients (4.7 log10 [p<0.001] copies/ml) was observed following CP administration. Retrospective analysis of selected inflammatory markers and immunoglobulins showed higher C-reactive protein levels among the study group, and their decrease on Day 7.

keywords: Severe COVID-19; Convalescent plasma; Viral load

Creative Commons License
Effect of Convalescent Plasma Therapy on Mortality and Viral Load in Severely Ill Patients with COVID-19 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 4 x per year
print price: 450 czk
ISSN: 1214-6994
E-ISSN: 2336-2936
