PRAGUE MEDICAL REPORT, Vol 123 No 1 (2022), 5–19
Effect of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Transection on the Inorganic Component of Molars of Rat Mandible
Ivo Němec, Václav Smrčka, Martin Mihaljevič, Martin Hill, Jaroslav Pokorný, Václav Páral, Ivana Pračková
published online: 06. 03. 2022
The objective of the study was to determine the effects of inferior alveolar nerve transection on inorganic components in mandibular molars of the rat. We used 26 male laboratory rats of the Wistar strain for the study, age 7–9 weeks. The rats were divided in three groups. The control group (intact) included 6 rats. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia. The experimental group included (group with the nerve transected on the left) included 12 rats. The sham group (group with the nerve prepared without transection) included 8 rats. The animals were sacrificed after 4 weeks. Molars from the left and right sides of the mandible were extracted. Element content levels were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The following elements were determined in all samples: magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), and strontium (Sr). The nerve transection caused: a reduction of the contents of Ca and Sr in the mandibular molars; an increase in the contents of Mg and Zn; a difference arrangement of both sides for Na. The surgery approach itself caused a decrease in the contents of Na and K in the experimental and sham groups; the difference in K in M3 between the left and right sides disappeared due to the surgery. Our results have confirmed the hypothesis of inferior alveolar nerve transection having an effect on inorganic components in mandibular molars in the rat.
keywords: Inferior alveolar nerve; Molars of mandible; Rats; Elements; Nerve transection
Effect of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Transection on the Inorganic Component of Molars of Rat Mandible is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
210 x 297 mm
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print price: 450 czk
ISSN: 1214-6994
E-ISSN: 2336-2936