A multi-disciplinary medical journal publishing scientific works from theoretical and clinical fields with English summaries as well as works by foreign contributors in English. The chapter "Faculty Life" offers personal messages, reports on the faculty's activities in the past year and presents a complete bibliography of the medical faculty's departments and clinics in the year. The journal has been published since 1956.

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PLZEŇSKÝ LÉKAŘSKÝ SBORNÍK, Vol 2018 No 84 (2018), 121–124

Pneumomediastinum, neobvyklý nález na ORL ambulanci

[Pneumomediastinum, unusual finding at an ENT practice]

P. Škopek, O. Trčka, D. Slouka

published online: 12. 12. 2018


The article describes a case of spontaneous pneumomediastinum associated with illicit drug abuse. A young man in mild inebriation visited an ENT clinic in early morning hours complaining of sore throat and chest pain. After examination he was diagnosed with acute pharyngitis and discharged. He returned after several hours due to aggravation of symptoms and a tender swelling of the neck. On examination a crepitating emphysema was found and the patient was admitted for further evaluation. A CT examination was performed showing soft tissue emphysema of the neck and pneumomediastinum. Searching for the cause of this condition a toxicology screening was ordered with positive results for MDMA (ecstasy). Further management was conservative with signs of regression on a follow-up CT and the patient was then discharged.

157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 1 x per year
ISSN: 0551-1038
