A multi-disciplinary medical journal publishing scientific works from theoretical and clinical fields with English summaries as well as works by foreign contributors in English. The chapter "Faculty Life" offers personal messages, reports on the faculty's activities in the past year and presents a complete bibliography of the medical faculty's departments and clinics in the year. The journal has been published since 1956.

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PLZEŇSKÝ LÉKAŘSKÝ SBORNÍK, Vol 2016 No 82 (2016), 25–28

Brain cortex temperature and heart rate in newborn rats after influencing endogenous nitric oxide synthesis

J. Barcal

published online: 25. 11. 2016


Brain cortex temperature and heart rate in newborn rats after influencing endogenous nitric oxide synthesis Our results show that after administration of substrate for NOS, L-arginine, only minute changes of brain relative to body temperature and, immediately after injection, only small (nevertheless significant) differences of heart rate between animals given L-arginine and those applied NOS blocker, nitro-L-arginine, appear. This is probably due to a reflex response in which the carotid bodies might play a decisive role, as shown by some findings (12), rather to a direct effect on brain tissue. Teplota kůry mozku a srdeční frekvence u novorozených laboratorních potkanů po ovlivnění syntézy oxidu dusnatého Possible role of gaseous messenger and/or neuromodulator, nitric oxide (NO), in regulation of brain cortical and body temperature of laboratory rat pups was evaluated. Measurement of temperature (and heart rate) after intervention in NO metabolism confirmed its effects which revealed a complex consequences in various tissues (especially in the vascular endothelium and neurons).

157 x 230 mm
periodicity: 1 x per year
ISSN: 0551-1038
