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HISTORICKÁ SOCIOLOGIE, Vol 3 No 2 (2011), 19–36

Moderní teorie formování evropských států: čtyři teoretické tradice

[Modern Theories of European State-Formation: Four Theoretical Traditions]

Jan Kalenda

DOI: https://doi.org/10.14712/23363525.2017.124
published online: 20. 10. 2017


This paper deals with the question of theoretical classification of main research approaches to European state-formation. In this review author selects the most conceptual strands and examine research in state formation in last forty years. For this purpose author applies specific analytical model, which is based on three institutional dimensions (economic, politics and culture). Through this model he could draw main theoretical traditions to problem of state-formation, which are in this case: 1) Economical approach to state-formation. From this point of view states are products of economic dynamic. 2) Political approach, which focus on internal social regulation. 3) War approach, which concentrate on war and external social regulation. 4) Cultural approach, which sees state-formation such as product of cultural factors.

keywords: state formation; institutional dimensions; Europe; historical development; theoretical traditions; research development

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ISSN: 1804-0616
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