The European Journal of Environmental Sciences offers a mixture of original peer-reviewed research papers, which bring you some of the most exciting developments in environmental sciences in the broadest sense, often with an inter- or trans-disciplinary perspective, focused on the European problems. The journal also includes critical reviews on topical issues, and overviews of the status of environmental protection in particular regions or countries. The journal covers a broad range of topics, including direct or indirect interactions between abiotic or biotic components of the environment, interactions of environment with human society, or environmental sustainability.


Large scale manipulation of the interactions between key ecosystem processes at multiple scales: why and how the falcon array of artificial catchments was built

Jan Frouz, Martin Bartuška, Jan Hošek, Jiří Kučera, Jiří Leitgeb, Zbyněk Novák, Martin Šanda, Tomáš Vitvar

published online: 22. 06. 2020


Understanding how natural processes arise from complex interactions between particular processes at small spatiotemporal scales and in turn how these processes form patterns at large spatiotemporal scales is one of the current principal questions in environmental science. The problem is very complicated, as in many cases, key processes are often studied by researchers in separate disciplines such as ecology, soil science or hydrology. One of the major obstacles is that the processes at a landscape scale are difficult to manipulate and, in many cases, even measure. In particular, the belowground processes are in many cases overlooked or at least understudied. Here we briefly describe a methodological solution used to cope with this problem and describe artificial catchments designed for experimental manipulation at the level of a landscape, called FALCON. This array has two treatments: one mimics a site reclaimed using an alder plantation and the other was left to unassisted primary succession. For each treatment, there were two replicates in four similar catchments. Individual catchments are hydrologically isolated from the environment and equipped with instruments, so that all the main processes and all significant flows of substances and energy in the ecosystem can be monitored, including the cycling of water, nutrients and gas between the ecosystem and the atmosphere. In addition, in each catchment there are sets of lysimeters, which allow the study of small-scale processes and how these can be extrapolated to the catchment scale. In addition, two lysimetric fields exist alongside the catchments for monitoring the effects of the experimental manipulation.

keywords: carbon storage; downscaling; energy budget; runoff; soil development; upscaling; water budget

Creative Commons License
Large scale manipulation of the interactions between key ecosystem processes at multiple scales: why and how the falcon array of artificial catchments was built is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

210 x 297 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 150 czk
ISSN: 1805-0174
E-ISSN: 2336-1964
