AUC Studia Territorialia (Acta Universitatis Carolinae Studia Territorialia) is a peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on Area Studies. It covers political, economic, social, and cultural affairs of North America, Europe, and post-Soviet Eurasia in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The journal was founded in 2001; currently, it appears biannually, both electronically and in print. It publishes original scholarly articles, book reviews, conference reports and research notes. The journal is a publication of the Institute of International Studies at Charles University’s Faculty of Social Sciences.
AUC STUDIA TERRITORIALIA, Vol 15 No 1 (2015), 65–84
Collective Memory in Transatlantic Relations: In Search for the Ties that Bind
Kryštof Kozák
published online: 01. 03. 2016
Transatlantic relations are a key element of the current international system. As various factors influence the complex relationship, it is not clear what are the main driving forces that keep the ties strong in spite of numerous differences and disputes. The article explores the notion that collective memory serves as the crucial frame of reference supporting Transatlantic ties. It does so first by linking the concept of collective memory to international relations theory and then applying it to the main paradigms in Transatlantic relations. Main findings suggest that collective memory is indeed a highly relevant concept with respect to Transatlantic relations and that further research is needed to support this claim more robustly.
keywords: Transatlantic relations; collective memory; international politics; commemorations; liberation
148 x 210 mm
periodicity: 2 x per year
print price: 180 czk
ISSN: 1213-4449
E-ISSN: 2336-3231